Based in Los Angeles
Designed and shipped from Los Angeles

Veritas Guarantee
Veritas will replace or repair this item should you experience any defects in craftsmanship or breakage within 12 months.
Fast & Easy Returns
Returns are fast and easy. You have 14 days from point of delivery to decide whether to keep your piece.
When will my order ship?
Orders placed will typically be processed and shipped out from our Los Angeles office within 1-2 businesses day.
Shipping timelines indicated below, are approximate. This does not include weekends, holidays or any unforeseeable delays with the courier (weather, volume, traffic, etc).
Do you ship to my country?
We ship internationally and you can check the prices and transit times for each region in the tab below. There are a few countries that we do not ship to currently such as Portugal and Russia due to certain regulations.
When will you restock?
You can sign up for restock updates to your email by entering your info down below. Or follow us on our socials to keep up with any restock updates.
What materials are Veritas jewelry made of?
Real 18k Gold: Our pieces are PVD plated with 18k Gold and finished with our Anti-Tarnish Rhodium, to maximize durability and ensure it never loses its shine.
USA & Canada
Standard Delivery: Free for orders over $75 or $4.99 standard rate. (2-5 Business Days)
USA Express Delivery: $25 standard rate. (1 - 2 Business Days)
International Standard Delivery: Free for orders over $100. Standard rate of $25